Credits on the images-Downs sims
Taken from a Brazilian site, translated by Umbrella sims.
Original title:
Time & The Sims 3 EA has just announced a new world for The Sims 3 Store : The Sims 3 Roaring Heights . The new world is available in the store on the 12th of December and consecutively here in DS3 too. But information about the world will be announced during the week .
The official site of the World Store will be posted today in the afternoon. Meanwhile check out the description below ( translated by SimsDomination ) and some images that SimsVIP site received in advance :
♦ Welcome to Roaring Heights , a sparkling city by the beach . In this new fully digital world, your Sims will experience a lush life in the middle of a city full of iconic skyscrapers of Art Deco .
♦ In The Sims 3 Roaring Heights , Sims will go out to explore the border seaway through your car can be repaired and improved - your Sims can spend a good time fixing this new vehicle to get it in its purest form .
♦ In the middle of the architectural heart of Roaring Heights , your Sims will bump into lavish parties , having a beautiful tranquil views of the city to the sea.
♦ Sims can become friends Caputo of The Sims 2 Family - they are on vacation in Roaring Heights , completely delighted and happy with the seaside city .
♦ Included in this world dozens of new and unique objects and clothes for their Sims to tan the most vibrant and golden days of The Sims 3 Roaring Heights .
♦ The Sims 3 Roaring Heights will be available for digital download at The Sims 3 Store on December 12 .
♦ The Sims 3 Roaring Heights will be available as Standard Edition and Gold Edition . The Sims 3 Gold Edition Roaring Heights will include the new world and over 1900 SimPoints .
Lot Boardwalk
♦ Sims from everywhere come to the boardwalk just to have fun in this exciting attraction, starring Rollercoaster Vertigo with pieces that can be fitted and allowing you to make your own amusement park !
We're on vacation in Roaring Heights by
some days and not believe we have not been before.
The pier has become our favorite place to eat , with romantic sunsets and the beach close by .
When night comes , the city center is very busy !
From the humble beginnings of the city , the residents of
Roaring Heights adopted the style of art deco
which is still very influential . Love the buildings
in pastel and illuminated by neon
beach front and fancy and distinctive skyscrapers .
We liked this place so much that we have begun to search for properties . These houses are so different , never seen anything like this !
Will be too much to live here , and hope to have you as neighbors soon !
- Countess Consort and Caputo
* Premium Content *
It may not seem like much now, but a little sweat and effort will make him better too . With improvements in the engine and the body , this classic car can have potential.
♦ See Your Classic Car fixable progress from one precarious hull to a perfect work of art that is ready for the dealership !
♦ Increase Dexterity Mechanics your Sim repairing the engine , painting a coat of paint and wax on the body through the Classic Car fixable ! Accelerate your work doing that Yes Skillful in his family doing what he does best .
♦ Nest with that special Sim and then move the relationship to second gear and take a snog ! You can also take it to the next level and join the Club Quinta Marcha .
♦ Show all your effort and Start the engine to hear it Snoring As a Lion ! Try as his work is still in progress and may seem a bit dubious .
♦ Take your new car for touring the city or fatten your wallet by selling it for a nice profit .
motor Fishy
Snores like a lion
Starry view
Monday March
fifth Gear
♦ On / Off Radio
♦ To Change ...
♦ Dancing
♦ Turn Motor
♦ Working at the Car Body
♦ Working in Motor Car
♦ Spending Time in Car
♦ Check with the Stars
♦ Nesting in the Car
♦ Give Amasso Vehicle
♦ Oba - oba in Car
♦ Trying to Have a Baby
♦ Go Shopping
♦ Go to Community Lot
♦ Go to Community Lot with ...
♦ Go Home
♦ Make Preferred Vehicle
♦ Waxing Car
Usable by:
( Child, Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Elder )
Check out some pictures: